• Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!

  • $8.29

  • Description

    Origin Brazil
    Region Sul Minas region, Minas Gerais state
    Altitude 3,000 ft.
    Farm / Coop Fazenda Grupo BSC
    Varietals Yellow Bourbon (80%), Mundo Novo (20%)
    Processing Natural (sun dried)
    Certifications n/a
    Cup Notes Score: 85.5 points. AROMA/FLAVOR: Dark Chocolate, gentle orange (citric) and herbal overtones. ACIDITY: mild citric. OTHER: Substantial body, classic Brazil natural profile.

    Arrived July 2024. Packed at origin in 69-kilo bags. In order to save on shipping, we now also ship in 50-lb boxes.

    The coffee was de-caffeinated using the chemical-free Mountain Water Process at the Descamex plant in Veracruz, Mexico.

    These coffee beans, processed using the "natural" method, come from Fazenda Grupo BSC in the well-known Sul Minas region of Minas Gerais state, in Brazil. As with all of our coffees, we sourced these coffee beans directly from the farm. Nelson and Eleni visited the farm in July of 2011, and again in May of 2013, cupped many samples, discussed coffee production with farm management and met with workers and their families while walking the coffee plantation. Nelson Visits Brazilian coffee farms every year, the last one with Eleni in March 2018.

    The "natural" process is the most common in Brazil, and makes these coffee beans popular for espresso blends because of its ability to provide floral hints and rich crema. In the natural process, coffee cherries are harvested and dried directly under the full sun in large concrete patios or mechanical dryers. Neither the skin nor the coffee cherry pulp (mucilage) are removed by means of water or fermentation. The coffee cherries dry and ferment like raisins and provide their characteristic flavor and aroma. The drying is done over a 7-10 day period, until 11% moisture content is reached. After drying, the coffee is kept in wooden silos at the farm's warehouse for resting (reposo).

  • Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!
  • Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!
  • Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!
  • Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!
  • Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!
  • Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!
  • Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!
  • Brazil Sul Minas Natural-Process AAA DECAF. Available only in Salisbury (MA). NEW ARRIVAL!

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